Earth-Mind Food Group

We are the third generation of a family business that began taking small steps offering products from our land to our local markets and neighbours.

Which has managed to reach a global level offering products ranging from seafood to top quality meats, vegetables and fresh fruit or finished products for direct consumption as pizzas, sauces or even Hummus adapting to new times.
To grow our services, expand and develop innovative service offerings.
To continually improve client and customer satisfaction
To ensure our services are sustainable and efficient
Work in order to achieve and fulfill the objectives of our customers by far
our look
Focusing on both retailers and Horeca, apart from large companies or consumers. giving it an added value thanks to their certifications that classify them as sustainable products and high quality meeting all standards worldwide.
Welcome to the neighborhood!!!
To be fair and impartial towards all concerned
We do the right thing
By continually getting better
sharing a mutal desire to succed